Friday, 15 March 2013

New Anti Rape Bill --- Nirbhaya's unfinished journey

We have spent thousands of words in dicussing the various provisions of new anti rape Bill, which is soon going to be an act.. But the question lies. Tougher law is always a welcoming step if implemented properly. But that couldn't answer the basic question. Will this new one will be useful enough to contain the crime against the women? Well, in paper it could. But in practice, it's tough, really tough. Many eyebrows could be raised by this explanation. But in my view, I believe no law single handedly could make any difference. Had it been so, India wouldn't have any murder, dowry death and so many other things. For each of these crimes, stringent laws are in place. But did it stop all kinds of crimes? My hunch feeling is, same is going to be happened in the amended Criminal Law too, where anti rape is a section. Actually, the problem lies elsewhere & precisely, that's our patriarchal society. A girl child is still a matter of shock. In some belts of India, female foeticide is a regular exercise and moreover, the general notion about women is 'they are for pleasure and raising babies.' The moment you are accepting the fact that women are for pleasure,knowingly or unknowingly you are joining the bandwagon of objectifying the female clan. Take for example, be it cinemas or advertisement, the vital stats of a woman is harped upon. Not the product, but the woman body is selling! Enjoying a lady becomes a natural right of a man. Be it within the marriage or outside the marriage. The frustrated men couldn't keep their libido in control, so rape has become THE TRUTH for Indian society. By violating a woman's body, the man (beast, I mean) is getting a sadistic pleasure by showing his manliness. And then there is our society, which is in slightest occasion always raised a finger at women. As if the girl is responsible for getting raped. And I am not surprised that Marital Rape is not mentioned in the new Act, how could it be? Our society believes, marrying off means right of a man to make sexual advances to his wife, even if the wife is unwilling. Many of us don't even understand the very logic of 'marital rape'. Even sometimes Court had said, 'how could a husband rape his wife?' So, we cannot expect this provision to be included in the proposed Act. Strangely enough, kids of 9-10 years have become a rapist! Where from are they learning this? Have we ever thought of this? Here, we cannot deny the role of television media and online games. It brings us to the question of the age of the juvenile. An under trial of horrific Delhi Gangrape case is little less than 18-year-old, so he couldn't be tried under existing law! But he can rape a girl twice!! & he is clever enough to claim immunity under the ground of his under age. And it puts another decision in question, why did the age of consent lower to 16 years. Legal age of marriage is 18 and 21, even so there are rampant child marriage. Now lowering of the age of consent will result in more and more under age marriages and sex crimes. A section of a society will try to experience 'adventure' by physical contact. New law is good, but more importantly we need to awake the society. It is like a sleeping dragon. If it raised to the occasion and fight for the 'CHANGE' to change the attitude towards the women, then Nirbhaya will be the happiest. The brave girl from a distant will have a smile on her face and will feel proud that her pain, atrocity, death had actually woken up a careless nation. Not to forget, we had already seen glimpses of that! Now it's our turn to pay her tribute, not in paper but in practice too, not only by passing the law but also by standing on our own and combating the social evils.

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